
Our school hours are: 9.00am – 3.30pm.

Please ensure the children are at school at least 10 minutes prior to the bell so they are able to go to the toilet, have a drink and prepare to commence for work.

Our lesson times are: School Start: 9am
Recess: 11.30am - 12.00pm
Eating Lunch: 1.30pm - 1.40pm
Lunchtime: 1.40pm - 2.40pm
School concludes: 3.30pm

If you need to collect your child from class during the day please obtain a note from the office before going to the classroom to collect your child. This note will inform teachers that permission has been gained from the office and the reason for the early departure.

Absences When a child is absent, parents need to notify the school via phone or add the absence on Compass. If the absence is for, or likely to be for, a period of exceeding five school days, please notify the school with particulars as soon as possible either prior to the absence or within the first five days of absence.

If a child is to be taken out of school for a lengthy period of time (e.g. holidays), the principal and class teacher should be notified in writing.

The health and well-being of your child is of vital concern to our staff. It is therefore helpful to them to know when your child becomes ill and the type of illness contracted.

Early communication by telephone or letter can greatly assist teachers to provide support to your child and make decisions relating to the welfare of others.

The best place for a sick child is at home!