
Victoria has one of the longest running and most successful skin cancer prevention programs in the world. Since the early 1980s, SunSmart has been promoting sun protection and skin cancer prevention messages.

SunSmart's core business is UV protection. We aim to prevent and minimise the adverse effects of UV through effective skin cancer prevention and early detection initiatives; improving awareness of vitamin D and promoting a balanced approach to UV exposure.

How can I ensure my child is protected?

Check the SunSmart UV Alert every day and protect your child's skin during the sun protection times (when UV levels are 3 or above), even when they are in the sun for short periods.
During the sun protection times, use a combination of the five SunSmart steps:

  • Slip on sun protective clothing that covers as much of your body as possible.
  • Slop on SPF 30 or higher broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen liberally at least 20 minutes before sun exposure.
    Reapply every two hours when outdoors.
  • Slap on a broad brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears.
  • Seek shade.
  • Slide on sunglasses that meet the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1067:2003.

If no alert and no sun protection times are issued, the UV is predicted to be below 3, so aim for 20 minutes outside in the midday winter sun. Ensure as much skin as possible is exposed by wearing short sleeves or shorts – the more skin you have exposed to the sun, the more vitamin D you'll make, so roll up those sleeves.