Student Leadership

Students at Kerrimuir Primary School are active agents in their learning, and contribute to building a school environment that is welcoming and inclusive of all. Students are empowered to take charge and show active leadership towards others. They learn and develop leadership skills that allow them to become global citizens with a sense of teamwork, initiative and respect.

Kerrimuir has a well-established student leadership program. An extensive application process takes place to appoint our student leaders, including written applications, interviews, speeches and an election.

The Kerrimuir Primary School Student Leadership Profile consists of:

2x School Captains
2x Vice School Captains
2x House Captains (per house)
2x Vice House Captains (per house)
2x Student Representative Council Captains
2x Student Representative Council Representatives (per Grade 1-4 class)
6x Specialist Captains (Japanese, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Garden, Chess)

School Captains and School Vice Captains have many roles including running school assemblies, helping with Prep transition and representing the school at functions/events such as Remembrance Day Ceremonies.

Our Strong House System is lead by our House Captains and House Vice Captains. These students lead monthly house meetings, regular house events and have other responsibilities that help around the school, such as operating the canteen, running the audio-visual technology at assemblies, and raising and lowering the flag.

Specialist Captains assist teachers, run events related to their subject area and report back to the community.

Our Student Representative Council is lead by the Student Representative Council Captains and is made up of SRC Representatives from Grades 1-4. The SRC meet regularly to discuss issues raised by students across the school. They formulate plans and take action to improve the school or contribute to the community through initiatives such as fundraisers.

The Student Leadership Series is held annually and provides a framework for student leaders to develop leadership skills over a series of workshops. Students develop skills in:

  • Teamwork
  • Goal-Setting
  • Communication
  • Public Speaking
  • Supporting Others

The Kerrimuir House System is made up of 4 houses, named after local street names and accompanied by a native Australian animal mascot.

House Logos