Student Wellbeing

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices are ways to build caring communities. People are supported to take responsibility for their actions and repair any harm that has been done.

Our restorative approach is based on the belief that the people directly involved in the situation are the best ones to resolve the matter. Students involved in an incident have a chance to tell their side of the story and how they believe things can be fixed. An agreement is then reached, which may still involve discipline procedures.

The potential advantages of a restorative approach includes:

  • A safer, more caring environment.
  • A more effective teaching and learning environment.
  • A greater commitment by everyone to taking the time to listen to one another.

Circle Time

This is a regular time / forum when our students can think and talk about themselves and others. We use it for class groups, smaller groups and with the staff. It is a time when games and activities are used to encourage and increase an awareness of:

  • Understanding and valuing myself.
  • Understanding and valuing others.
  • Having positive relationships with others.

Kids Matter

Kerrimuir is a KidsMatter school. KidsMatter Primary is a flexible, whole-school approach to improving children’s mental health and wellbeing for primary schools. It can be tailored to schools' local needs.

Through KidsMatter Primary, Kerrimuir is undertaking a two-to three-year cyclical process in which we plan and take action to be a positive community; one that is founded on respectful relationships and a sense of belonging and inclusion, and that promotes:

  • Social and emotional learning (including evidence-based social and emotional learning programs)
  • Working authentically with parents, carers and families
  • Support for students who may be experiencing mental health difficulties.

The four components of KidsMatter are:

  1. Positive School Community.
  2. Social and emotional learning for students.
  3. Working with parents and carers.
  4. Helping children with mental health difficulties.

KidsMatter provides our school with a framework to ensure the positive development of mental health in our students. This includes existing programs such as Circle Time and restorative Practices.